Songtext von Werner Schmidbauer
's herbstlt
Ned scho wider der Nebel aufm Feld.
Ned scho wieder der Tau aufm Gras.
Des ko doch ned scho der Sommer gwesn sei.
Der erste der heier "i glaub es herbstlt" sogt, der kriagt a Watschn.
Ned scho wieder de Blattl aufm Weg.
Ned scho wieder koide Finger beim Radlfahrn
Der Herbst is wia a lang ausgmachter Bsuach von de Verwandten:
Zerst is no ewig hi, dann daadsd as a Zeitla am liabstn absagn, und auf oamoi stengas alle in da Tür, und am End wünscht da fast, sie daadn dobleibn, weil es kummt eh nix Bessers nach.
seaandsuns - 29. Aug, 07:53
Slow me down, Lord, Slow me down!
Ease the pounding of my heart
be the quieting of my mind.
Give me amid the confucion of my day,
the calmness of the everlasting hills.
Break the tensions of my nerves and muscles
with the soothing music
of the singing streams that live in my memory.
Help me to knot the magical
restoring power of sleep.
Teach me the art of taking minute vacations,
of slowing down to look at a flower,
to chat with a friend, to pat a dog,
to read a few lines from a good book.
Remind me each day of the fable
of the hare and the tortoise
that I may know that the race
is not always the swift -
that ther is more in life
than increasing speed.
Let me look up
into the branches of the flowering oak
and know that it is great and strong
because it grew slowly and well.
Slow me down, Lord,
and inspire me to send my roots
deep into the soil of life's enduring values
that I may grow towards the stars
of my great destiny.
seaandsuns - 23. Nov, 21:36
da steckt einiges an Wahrheit drinnen ;-)
I am a travel agent.... I have the advance degrees in accounting, public relations, marketing, business building, computer science, civil engineering and Swahili.
I am a travel agent.... Of course I remember the reservation you booked six years ago, even though you don't have a confirmation number and you think it was made under a last name that begins with a T.
I am a travel agent.... It's no problem for me to give you seven connecting non-smoking poolside suites with 2 king beds and 4 rollaways in each, and yes, it is my fault that the hotel does not have a helicopter pad.
I am a travel agent.... I speak all languages and have visited every destination.
I am a travel agent.... It's obvious to me when you book your reservation for Friday, you really mean Saturday.
I am a travel agent.... My company has entrusted me with financial information, and yet I can't tell you why your hotel bill for March 1989 had a 50p phone call because, of course, you shouldn't have to pay for calls.
I am a travel agent.... I understand that Joe Blow Ltd. is a vast empire and will make or break my agency.
I am a travel agent.... Yes, I am lying when I say there are no seats left at the lowest price.
I am a travel agent.... No, it's not a problem for me to quickly construct several more guest rooms at the hotel you want, and this time I will not forget the helicopter landing pad!
I am a travel agent.... I am capable of checking fares for three people, taking five reservations and answering fifteen calls simultaneously.
I am a travel agent.... I always know where to find the best vegetarian, kosher, and Mongolian barbecue restaurants.
I am a travel agent.... I know exactly what to do in all cities without spending money.
I am a travel agent.... I take responsibility for airline food, traffic jams, rental car flat tires, weather, hotel locations, and the national economy.
I am a travel agent.... Of course I can fit you into the hotel at the special corporate rate because you are affiliated with the Blackburn North Lawn Bowls club.
I am a travel agent... I am never offended when I spend 10 hours researching a 12 day Europe itinerary only to hear you say you "booked it yourself over the internet and saved £30!" I also never gloat when you call back to say the rate was sold out or that you are stuck in the middle of nowhere since they cancelled your flight and you cannot "call" your internet provider to be re-protected on another flight.
I am a travel agent... I love when people walk up to me at parties and out of the blue expect me to know the latest airlines fares from Melbourne to Ibiza via Byron Bay, the Maldives and Nairobi "off the top of my head".
I am a travel agent... I love that everyone assumes I get to travel everywhere for free and when I do get to take advantage of a perk people act like it is a sin against nature. If you ask me to get you the rate at my "travel agent discount" I will kill you.
I am a travel agent... Don't bother telling me any dates or cities since I'm a mind reader and already have the reservation in my crystal ball before you can tell me.
Besides all above; I smile, empathize, sympathize, console, cajole, up-sell, down-sell, cross-sell, perform, sing, dance, make coffee and fix the printer..................
I am your travel agent!
seaandsuns - 14. Mai, 19:49
Eigentlich wollte ich diesen Abend unter dieses Motto stellen, doch der gestrige Abend verlief anders als geplant.
Heut sauf i mi an und heut rauch i mi ein.
Laßts mi in Ruh, i find nix dabei.
I wü nix mehr hören und i wü nix mehr sehn,
I wü nix hearn und a nix mehr verstehn.
von Rainhard Fendrich
Was bleibt nach 4 Jahren Studium?
Ein Abend mit ein paar Studienkollegen mit guter Musik und guter Laune um alles zu vergessen was in den 4 Jahren schief gelaufen ist.
Heute gehts weiter mit anderen Studienkollegen nach Kärnten und morgen wird endlich mal wieder geflogen (Tandem-Paragleit-Flug)
Fotos vom letzten Flug (2005)
seaandsuns - 5. Jul, 08:44
... I'm sad but I'm laughing ...
aus Alanis Morissette - "Hand in my pocket"
seaandsuns - 26. Jun, 08:59
... du musst nicht tanzen, aber beweg dein Herz ...
aus Wir sind Helden - "The Geek (shall inherit)"
seaandsuns - 7. Jun, 01:56
... mach immer was dein Herz dir sagt ...
aus Kettcar - "48 Stunden"
seaandsuns - 31. Mai, 16:07